Information Architecture, UX / UI design, prototyping, iconography, brand identity.
- Responsive online travel booking portal
- Brand identity: logo, color palettes, iconography, brand guidelines
- Redesign the website with a focus on SEO which would in turn result in higher organic sales for the company.
- Reduce dropouts during the booking process on mobile and increase conversions.
- In an already crowded space make the website and brand stand out amongst the competition.
- Bottom navigation bar to make important actions easily reachable for the user.
- Added an option to checkout as a guest, removing the earlier flow which required the user to register their account to proceed with a booking.
This was done to reduce dropouts during check out thus increasing conversion on mobile.
- Full screen search page
In an already crowed space we created a distinctive brand identity for the website both visually and functionally
so that it could stand out from the rest of the competition.